Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Those who have been on a trip such as this are familiar with the first full day of work. Arriving at the site, unloading tools, situation assesment, obtaining materials and supplies. Well, surprise, surprise-we knew where the job site was and the situation had already been assessed and the cabinets were in Silas' house; ALL OVER his house. The one thing which was not present was a lay-out sheet.

Thank the good Lord, Bud and Ron have the expertise to ascertain what has to go where. We would have gotten much more accomplished had we not had to measure here, look there, move this base cabinet there, then back to where it was originally. We called for a cabinet plan, which was delivered about the time we did get it figured out. That is to say, Bud and Ron figured it out; Paul and I simply moved cabinetes where they directed, nodded sagely and said "Yea, that is where that one should go."

Well, by golly, we did get all the cabinets set and hung. They are all attached and affixed in a fine manner and ready for the counter top.

We had already been informed that it was not to be a laminate top-no, no. It is going to be a ceramic tile top. And we were ready for that and we were told that yes, all supplies for the counter top were at the house. We could not find it; we called. Yep, sure enough, it is there, but it is supposed to be the remainder of the 12"x12" ceramic floor tile! Yep, ceramic floor tile. For which they do not manufacture finish/trim pieces to make a counter top look as it should. (Shhhhhhhh, we tricked 'em; we found just enough "counter top" ceramic tile in the unclaimed supply trailer to finish the job. Please do not rat us out to the fine folks here at Aurora, but we do want to get home this week.)

All in all, a successful and truly rewarding day, as all trips are on mission. And, true to form, we are all beat and ready for a well deserved night of zzzzzzzzzzzz's. Yes, we all snore and we are all in the same room.

We do feel the power of your prayers and your love, but please, don't stop now.

I know, you were teased a bit about possible photos, but I am too tired to figure it out. That is another thing I miss about my lovely bride; she would have had this all done long before now.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, fellas, sounds like a typical first day. Glad to know your "master" carpenters have figured it all out for you. You gophers, just nod and say, " Yes, sir!" Keep up the good work. We are praying for you and know your blessings will outweigh all your fatigue and frustration. We will be looking for pictures tomorrow. Call me, I'll walk you through it if you need help. LOVE YOU ALL! Leslie

6:31 PM  

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