Monday, February 05, 2007

Genesis--The Beginning

Today was a day to organize, categorize, energize and sympathize. We organized the work yet to be done, we categorized our skills, we were energized by the beautiful "Miss" Stella and we sympathized with Team B about the laminate flooring installation. Our skilled people made needs lists, shopped and instructed the unskilled. It was a very busy day for Bud, Brad and Allen! We cleaned up left over drywall mud, vacuumed out the tub, moved cabinets in, measured twice, cut once, and installed flooring in two closets and one bedroom.

We now hope we have all supplies needed to finish our job. Multiple trips were made by the men and the Raleigh girls seem to have inherited their father's love for travel.

We finally met "Miss" Stella and what a beautiful lady she is. She surprised us by looking at us and calling some of us by name, before we were even introduced to her. We had great advance PR teams! Thanks! She is indeed a gracious lady and we hope to finally get her moved into her home by the end of the week.

We feel like tomorrow will be a productive day and foreman Bud has already given us our assignments. We will be painting baseboards and quarter round, installing more flooring, and setting the kitchen cabinets. Some of us will be frying chicken in the afternoon.

Our sleeping arrangements have been somewhat altered due to the rhythmic sounds of certain bodies at rest. No names will be given, but some of our team now have private sleeping quarters. Some others have decided to jump ship and seek their accomodations elsewhere, just a room or two down the hall.

We have discovered that Lookout 49 has something better than wasabi. Next team down will have to have the sweet potato bread pudding. OH MY! MMMMMMMMM! We hope to bring a recipe home and you all will be very glad if we get one.

Genesis??? Why did we call this post Genesis??? Well, it is our beginning day. We were also introduced to "Miss" Stella's seven year old grandson, whose name is Genesis. He is temporarily staying with "Miss" Stella, and he is a joyful child.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Gang looks like you have everything well organized. Will be praying for you. Just seeing those cabinets sitting in the kitchen warm my heart and I know that Ms. Stella is on cloud nine.
What ever you have to "put up with" on site or at your sleeping/eating quarters is worth it. All the effort that the 3 teams have and will put out are worth the sore muscles, scratches, bruises, sore backs and knees. Remember the motto of one tall red head, "We Can do this".
God Bless You all, Paul 3

7:58 AM  
Blogger rhonda said...

continued prayers from is still COLD here....but, you all have warmed our hearts....keep up the good work..

9:25 AM  

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