Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Sunburned Faces and Fried Chicken

Nah-nah-nah-nah-nah- it was 68 degrees today. Our ladies that painted the quarter round and baseboards are sunburnt. They spent the day in the sun and got all 520 feet painted, and repainted. That second coat of paint really covered the tire tracks well.

Debbie Sides says she just cannot understand what the big fuss is about the laminate flooring. She had some left over bananas from breakfast and taught a monkey how to finish the room. "It was so simple, I don't know what was wrong with those men!" This was after Jim and Leslie finally came out of the closet.

We got the cabinets set, we no longer have to visit the FEMA trailer for personal use, thanks to Brad Higginson's plumbing mastery, and Bud taught Maria and Emily to use the stud finder and Maria said they were few and far between.

Team leader Hoskins has this comment: "There must be four Bud Hills here, because every time I look somewhere, he is there." Bud has really been a blessing, as those who have been on a mission trip with him well know. Brandon has blessed us with two wonderful devotions today and has been voted most enthusiastic missioner.

Please keep "Miss" Stella in your prayers. She is going through some trying times right now and we need all of you to remember her daily. She was our special dinner guest tonight. We had fried chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy, green bean casserole, cornbread, and baked sweet potatoes. MMMMMM good!

We are very tired, very full and very ready to go to bed. We will try to update early in the morning, when we are not so punchy.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is it just me or has the whole world turned pink?
What wonderful news, cabinets set, bath facilities actually working, Praise the Lord!
If everything is so easy, why is everyone so tired?
I know the answer to both cause I been there.
But it's a good tired, lay down, say good night to john boy and grandpa and the Lord and sleep.
God Bless you all for what you are doing for God's people. Paul3

8:09 PM  
Blogger John 3 said...

GREAT work that you are doing. Sounds as if you guys are going to get the job done. I know "Stella" will be happy to get out of the FEMA trailer. The Lord brings us all together for HIS purpose. For you "Sunshine"--I can do that. Give Stella a hug for me. My prayers are with you daily. John 3

5:08 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tire tracks on the baseboard?

Brad doing plumbing work in pink pants??

A monkey installing laminate flooring???

What in the world is going on down there????
With Steve Hoskins, Stacy Singer, and Emily Raleigh involved, anything is possible.
Take care and God Bless each and every one of you... Steve R

2:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

kentucky friend chicken

10:47 PM  

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