Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Paul really getting into his work!

Steve, Paul and Bud deciding on how to change a tire.

Where'd those cabinets come from?

Bud places the last tile on the counter tops,
only grout and trim left. We are moving on!

GOD is so good, ALL THE TIME! With all the obstacles thrown in front of us, without the Master's help, we could not have accomplished what we have. Some have been alluded to in previous blogs, and we had another this morning.

We got up and off very early, determined to get back on schedule. When we arrived at Silas's house, got our tools out and were ready to begin. NO POWER! Paul immediately left to return to AuroraUMC to obtain a generator, and don't forget, it includes a ferry trip both ways. While he was gone, we found a notice on a neighboriong house, informing residetns that the area was subjecta to power outages of 3-4 hours, at intemittent intervals for the next 2-3 weeks while some transmissin/distribution upgrades and repairs were being made.

We got the generator, produced some power and really got after it. Then the normal power came on, for about 90 minutes, went off again and we reverted to generator power. Today, we built the counter tops, got all the 4"x4" tile set and glued and Ron made the finish trim pieces. Tomorrow, God willing, we will grout and clean the tile, install the trim after another coat of stain and basically be finished with our purpose in this trip.

As always, we have all grown closer to one another and to God, we've had a lot of fun, given away our crosses (thanks Rick) and hopefully planted some seeds for others to harvest in the future. We feel good about what we have accomplished and as usual, wish we could do more; but it is a really big elephant, and has to be eaten one bite at a time.

One final note to leave you smiling: Ron Crowley made an error today, and Paul had to smack him with a banana peel. (It didn't leave too bad a mark.)

God willing, we will finish tomorrow and be able to leave early Friday morning. It will be great to see our loved ones and friends again, and we are truly thankful for your prayers and support.
The year is not half over yet, so there is still time for some of us (read you) to make another trip or? yet this year. If interested, see Paul Herron or John Evans.

See you all in church, Sunday.


THE FAB FOUR (Bud said "it's been a hard days night".)



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am so very proud of you guys! Believe me, I'm biting my tongue about "how many Methodist men does it take to change a tire?" You are very brave to put that snapshot out for all the world to see. You are making great strides and I'm looking forward to seeing you Friday night! Be safe, I LOVE YOU ALL! Leslie

8:03 PM  

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