Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Guest Blogger #2

More greetings and good news from Gulfport!

My name is Rich Rawson and I am also a part of the group from New Jersey (that's jurzee, not joizy). We flew down to New Orleans last Saturday, spent a little time there, and then drove here to Gulfport. We're the second group to come from our church, and we surely will not be the last. In fact, my wife Lois and I and all of our crew are so inspired by our Kentucky friends on their seventeenth or so work visit. The commandment may be "thou shalt not steal" but when it comes to a good idea in the service of our neighbors, sometimes it makes sense to steal shamelessly. I love the fact that your commitment to the Katrina victims is district wide, and we've already talked about taking that idea back to our district in N.J. and inviting/challenging our other area churches to join us at Bridgewater UMC in an ongoing relationship here. So thanks!

The cameraderie among the groups from Minnesota, North Carolina, Kentucky and New Jersey is wonderful to see and to experience. Our stories all blend together into a narrative that we'll take home as we encourage others to remember and to act. Faith and works!

We replaced a roof this week for a women and her family who live about 25 miles north of the coast where Katrina came ashore. This is the area to which people were evacuating in the thought that they'd be far enough away to be safe, but she and her family were forced to huddle together in their living room as a tornado spawned by the hurricane passed within about 100 yards of her house and tore the roof right off. What a great feeling it was to complete the job and know that she'll be dry from now on. But what a great disappointment that too many people around our great country have lost sight of the continuing needs here. Thank you for all that you and your teams are doing in Christ's name to love and serve and house those in need on the Gulf Coast!

God bless you all.


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